
My time in Indiana, has left me with a lot of time to think. Mostly, I have been simply remembering things in the past..the couple who lived next door to us when I was growing up, and how he would keep the lawn so neat and weed free(the current owners haven't cut the grass since I have been in town), and how neat she kept the house, and how she and her sister loved to sit on her front porch and watch the traffic and us kids playing. I think a lot about playing ditchem and ghost in graveyard until way after dark, and that it was safe to do so. Things are different now, no way would I let my kids out in the neighborhood after dark here, but I will let them play out in the fenced back yard with friends. I won't even let them go to the parks without me. It may be perfectly safe, but not living here any longer, I just don't know. World wide devastations, hurricanes, earthquakes, wars. It all plays a part to keep people on their toes. A friend of mine today said, she's had ...