
Showing posts from June, 2011

For God...

John 3:16, 17   For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. The phrase "for God" appears in 68 different Bible verses. Concerning God,  because of God, function of God, being God, constituting God, in honor of God....all phrases to mean For God. What if we replaced one of these different phrases in these verses? In honor of God He loved the world so much that He gave his only begotten son..This brings Abraham offering his son Issac to mind......In honor of God. Being God, He Loved the world that He gave His only son......Being God. If the Bible were written today, I think that is the phrase that would be used....Because He is God, He gave His only son. The sacrifice that must have taken. To allow such pain, horrors, and injustice to be thrown upon his only ...

Let Go and Let God

I am an angry woman! I have been through being angry with myself over this disease....what have I done to myself? the most common question I asked. I was warned as a child that having children of my own would be too hard on my body, but I did it anyways.(and I don't regret that decision at all...EVER) I was warmed that being too physical with my body would harm me, but I did it anyways. Then, I went through being angry with God. How could a loving and faithful Father allow such things to happen to his daughter? Where was my protection? Simply...WHY? And of course along with anger with God came the guilt of thinking I know so much about my own life, that I would know better than God what I need or should have. Gotta love the guilt part. It still makes me chuckle today. Then I was angry with other people for going through their own lives as though nothing bad has happened in my own. How dare my family be happy when Mom is so miserable. Ahhhh motherhood. It gives women so many sil...

My Own Anything.

When I was a little girl, imagining how my life would be now, I imagined a much sweeter thing, than reality. Imagination is great for seeing the sweet side of life. Why do we as adults lose so much of our imagination; our openness to new ideas, new thoughts or new values? Have we been so jaded that any new idea that takes us out of our "comfort zone" scares the holiness out of us? I like to think of myself as an open-minded person, but I find myself asking, "What does that mean?" I have tried so many remedies and life altering treatments, in an effort to cure myself, that I honestly don't know anymore what's healthy, what might kill me, and what may only shorten my quality of life. I don't know what I can or can't tolerate any longer. I don't know what I SHOULD tolerate now. I feel betrayed by doctors, beaten down by people who don't "see" a sick or disabled person, and by regulations on what I can and can't be allowed to take, ...