The Garden of Weeden

For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Galations 6:8 I planted a garden this spring. It's doing wonderfully too, so far. I honestly have never had anything I planted, outside, grow; especially not something I grew from seed. This year, when I planted tomato seeds, and every seed grew, I didn't have the heart to yank some, so I transplanted all 26 tomato plants. Of course that took most of my small garden space, but I managed to add 3 yellow bell pepper plants, 3 red bell peppers, 2 jalapeno plants, 6 green bell pepper plants, 4 mounds of cucumbers-1 in each corner of the garden, and a row of marigolds as an insect and critter repellant. It been an amazing experience for me in the "Garden of Weeden" as I call it now. I planted the seeds, watered them and God grew them. How simple is that? Earlier today, someone made the connection between ...