Ripples in the Water

Jeremiah 17:10 nkjv I, the Lord , search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings. Watch a stone as it hits the water. It makes ripples. Now toss two stones in at once, and then watch as the ripples cross and then merge together, making larger ripples covering more surface. The same can be true of our thinking. To change the world we have to change one life -- ours. We have to line our thinking up with God's thinking. We have to line our lives up with God's way for our lives. The beginning of this, the only way to do this is by learning from God. When we're young we're taught by our parents and extended family first. We're flawed when we're very young, by this alone. I am not faulting parents and families. I am a parent and have an AMAZING family, myself. But I am flawed, therefore I taught flawed premises to my own children, which they must learn to overcome one day. Then as we get...