God's Sense of Humor

My husband "retired" about a month or so ago. Well, that's what he claims he did. We are building a farm. We live mortgage free, we have no utility payments, since we are 100% solar and wind powered. I grow a LOT of our food, and we're adding chickens for eggs and cattle for beef and other trading purposes. We are in the process of building a house, again payment free. So really, we have no bills other than some food (my Doritos addiction) and entertainment. This is why he claims to be retired. He says he just wants to be a farmer. We are both tired of the hustle and bustle of trying to achieve a standard that was set by someone else. We want simpler, not easier. And we found it.....in our farm. He was talking to his mother on the phone a few days ago, and I heard him exclaim that he's never been as busy as he has been since "retiring". His business, that we used as side money, but now live on the proceeds, has suddenly "taken-off"! It ma...