Body at War

God gave me everything. That means, to me, that if it's not from God then it's probably not the best for me. In other words, my healing will not come from a bottle of pharmaceuticals, a surgeon's skill at placing metal inside my body, and it won't come from a wonder powder designed inside a lab. The answer is here, on Earth somewhere. The new herbal supplements I have found are helping. The first day euphoria I had was just a fluke, and I had major pain the next day (probably because I thought i was superwoman without pain). Even with the supplements, life will never be the same. I will never take simple things for granted again....tying my own shoes without pain, picking something off the floor, or even sneezing without pain. Things most people never even think about, past age 8, I have to be careful doing, now. I was told that it can take 30 days for supplements to fully start working inside my body, so even though I still have pain, I am going to continue using the...