Body at War

God gave me everything. That means, to me, that if it's not from God then it's probably not the best for me. In other words, my healing will not come from a bottle of pharmaceuticals, a surgeon's skill at placing metal inside my body, and it won't come from a wonder powder designed inside a lab. The answer is here, on Earth somewhere.
The new herbal supplements I have found are helping. The first day euphoria I had was just a fluke, and I had major pain the next day (probably because I thought i was superwoman without pain). Even with the supplements, life will never be the same. I will never take simple things for granted again....tying my own shoes without pain, picking something off the floor, or even sneezing without pain. Things most people never even think about, past age 8, I have to be careful doing, now.
I was told that it can take 30 days for supplements to fully start working inside my body, so even though I still have pain, I am going to continue using them until I know, for a fact, they are having no great effects in my body. The reason for this, in this particular supplement, is that it can take a couple weeks just for the herb to rebuild itself within my body, killing the bad stuff and renewing the good stuff. (not the doctor's words, I paraphrased of course) This sort of makes it sound like some bad ass drug working inside my body killing off bad stuff, but what has truly happened is that by allowing myeself to be medicated for so many years with harmful narcotics, that I have literally turned my body into a toxic wasteland. It takes times to flush all that junk out. I think the worst of those effects are past me now. I will just have to see. This no longer makes me nauseous, but could again as it seeks and finds harmful things within my body. I sort of feel like there is some huge military covert operation going on within my own body. My body was very toxic and now it's not and the little good things going into it are working hand in hand with my own turf to hunt down and remove any remaining toxins. Once the toxins are gone completely, I will need to continue the rebuilding process.
I don't think it will take quite as long as the War on Terror has taken, but I am not relying on the advice of aome War Advisors either. I am just relying on my own research and thought on this.
The answers are there, just keep searching.

Remember: Talk to God: He will lead you to your answers, and He LOVES your voice. Love someone every day that you are able, whether they deserve it or not, because someone loves you regardless too....most of all: GO BE PHYSICAL TODAY!!!! Tomorrow may be too late!!!!


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