I Am A Masterpiece.

I am a follower of Christ. Before you look at me and think Ugh, she just lost me, let me tell you what that means to me. It's a very simple, really, It just means I believe in the sacrifice Christ made for me. I am not some Bible thumping, cram it down your throat, preacher. I don't judge you, and I don't expect to be judged. This is MY choice, MY life, MY decision, I don't expect it to be yours. It's a personal walk, a personal decision, and a personal Journey. No one else can make it for me, but me.

I don't go to church, because I believe we ARE the Church, and unfortunately, many, which I have found, don't believe this. I would rather show people, Jesus in my life, by my generosity, mercy, and grace. While I am not perfect at this yet, I strive to be better, daily.

Someone once told me, I am a fisher of men. I was also told, on a different occasion,  that I have a warrior spirit. I truly never understood this one, because I always feel so weak, until I look up and see myself through God's eyes. I guess what these two things mean together, is that I will attract people to me, because of my love for Christ showing, but I can defend my life, and my friends, and mostly my family.

Ephesians 2:10 says we are God's masterpiece. I am a masterpiece. Who knew?

So with all my complaints about my health, all my shortcomings, and all my flaws(there are many) I know, I am something great, simply because I am God's masterpiece.

Remember: Don't give anyone have enough power over your life, to steal your joy.....Talk to God, He LOVES to hear from you...and Go be physical for a while, as you never know when you won't be able to be physical.



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