Stress and Trust. 

I was going to write this blog strictly on stress, and while this is a great topic for a blog (maybe later), as I was meditating on my daily verse and spent time in prayer, I feel trust is better blog for today. Actually the two go hand in hand. If you trust in God, how can you stress over the world? 

Before I go further, let me tell a little about stress. According to the National Stress Institute (yes there is an entire institute devoted to studying stress-we will pay for almost anything now-a-days) stress causes or aids most things which ail our bodies. Stress alone can cause depression, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, and heart disease. It has been known to be a trigger for asthma attacks, sugar influxes in diabetics, digestion issues, as well as, certain cancers!! That information alone is enough to scare me into developing a more stress-free lifestyle!

The reason I say trust and stress go hand in hand, is if you trust that God has your life under control, then how can you stress anything? God knows the outcome of every situation before it is even a situation. He knows how we will benefit from the lesson, and WHO will benefit from the lesson. Consequently, if you don't trust that God has you in the palm of his hand, guiding you and protecting you, then stress will take over your life. One of my favorite "jokes" is: "if you want to know if God has a sense of humor, tell Him you have your life all under control and watch what happens. I guarantee you will hear Him laugh as he says 'oh you think so?' " 

I did a Bible search of the word trust, and WOW!! There is verse after verse on the topic. My favorite, and my meditation verse today is Proverbs 3:5(nkjv)  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Psalms and Proverbs are FULL of verses on trust. Virtually every book in the Bible has at least one verse on trust. What trust the people in those days had! 

Let go of your worries, let go of your stress, let go of your pride that fuels your stress and find your trust. Is your trust in yourself, your job, your house, your spouse? Or is it where it should be, in God? 


  1. wow danni this is amazing because ive been living this today..thankyou so much


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