Welcome To My World

Hi! I am many things to many people. I am a child of God's first and foremost, and no one can nor will ever take that seat from me. Otherwise, I am a mommy, mostly.

Until three years ago, I worked full time as a Realtor, volunteered in the girls' schools weekly, ran my household and volunteered as a search and rescue worker. One day, literally all at once, that came to a halt. My left arm went numb, my left shoulder hurt constantly, and my stomach was in knots(probably from the stress of everything)...I thought I was having a stroke. I called my doctor and because of my symptoms, he worked me in within 30 minutes. He listened to my heart and lungs, sat down in front of me and said relax, you're not having a stroke. However, I think your problem is in your neck. After my xray, he said his new technical term for my spine is "icky looking" and gave me the long name of a spinal disease, a disease most people don't even begin to have symptoms of until they are into their late 50's or 60's. I hadn't even turned 40 yet, but because of other spine issues I have, apparently this progressed in me quicker than in most people.

After a bout of physical therapy, he sent me to a neurosurgeon. To me, allowing this, was the worst mistake I had ever made, but being in constant pain, with nothing alleviating the pain, I probably wasn't thinking clearly. Of course being a surgeon, my new doctor did surgery on my neck to repair all the damage of this disease. After a few months I was feeling better, so I tried going back to my normal life. Less than a month back my lowest back started hurting. Not too badly at first, but quickly growing into severe pain and numbness in my legs. I could barely walk.

It's scary to go from an avid hiker, to barely being able to walk. I have three active daughters, and the thought of not being able to keep up with them terrified me, so back to the neurosurgeon I went.(Huge mistake #2) This surgery was extremely painful  on me. The numbness in my legs wasn't better, but after a few months the pain was a bit better, and walking wasn't painful, at least. Unfortunately this hasn't lasted.
According to my doctor, I may never be better than I am now, and within 10 years I am headed for a wheel chair.  NOT an option to me!! To make matters worse, my insurance company decided to play God with me, telling my doctor the MRI's needed to see exactly how things are degenerating aren't "medically necessary".

I started looking for other ways to treat my pain. The drugs I was taking, have horrible side effects, long term liver damage, and other nasty effect linked with them, the surgeries were taking their own toll on my body, and my whole self worth was going down the tubes. I had to do something and do it quickly!!

I started receiving newsletters with links to articles on natural cures from naturalnews.com. The very first email I received had a link to an article. It was an interview with Dr.F. Batmanghelidj. This man studied under the doctor who invented penicillin, and believes most people over the age of 21 are chronically dehydrated. The interview made sense to me, and I went to his website to learn more. He actually had a book written for people experiencing back pain like mine, and rheumatoid joint pain.(How to Deal with Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain) I ordered this book right away, and when it arrived I read it cover to cover in less than three days.

The doctor had told me my bones weren't fusing to the titanium cages he put in, causing compression fractures in both my neck and lower spine. He intended to do another surgery to correct this, but 3 major surgeries in less that 3 years was too much for me. After reading the book, I started drinking water, and more water. Then when I was in the middle of a four day long headache from the misalignment of my neck, I did the specifically targeted exercises. Within 30 minutes my headache was gone. That was a month ago, and I have not had that headache return yet. My lower back pain has subsided so much, as well, I am doing laundry, and I even started strength and endurance training again.

This doctor and this book changed my life, and because of this, I am looking for more natural cures for everything in my life. I know doctors are necessary, but not as much as we rely on them. God gave us everything we need to survive right here on this Earth. He didn't give us pharmaceuticals with side effects, which are created in a lab. He gave us herbs, and plants and animals to fulfill our every nutritional need. My goal in life is to get back to the basics of living, and hopefully I can help others by documenting my journey here. I hope you enjoy my journey as much as I have so far, and learn from my mistakes and my victories. I give all my glory to the Lord, and the common sense He gave me, is what will help me continue.


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