Pride and God

When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom. (Proverbs 11:2 NKJV My dog, Molly, is a sweet natured beagle. She is loving and kind and shares half her food with my other beagle, Gus. Normally, she is an even tempered dog, only getting angry with Gus when he provokes her, but she has one downfall. She has this stuffed toy squirrel. She carries this toy around with her, lays with it, and protects it. I think she believes it's her puppy. She nuzzles it and licks it, and truly loves this squirrel. Gus, on the other hand, is a bit more ornery, especially with his sister's toys. He will sneak up to her, take her squirrel and runs. Molly gets angry, and the fight begins. To Molly, she is protecting what's Gus, it's a game. He just wants her to play, and doesn't understand why she gets so angry, and one of them ends up getting hurt-Not physically hurt, but hurt, none-the-less. That squirrel is Molly's security in thi...