Pride and God

When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom. (Proverbs 11:2 NKJV

My dog, Molly, is a sweet natured beagle. She is loving and kind and shares half her food with my other beagle, Gus. Normally, she is an even tempered dog, only getting angry with Gus when he provokes her, but she has one downfall. She has this stuffed toy squirrel. She carries this toy around with her, lays with it, and protects it. I think she believes it's her puppy. She nuzzles it and licks it, and truly loves this squirrel. Gus, on the other hand, is a bit more ornery, especially with his sister's toys. He will sneak up to her, take her squirrel and runs. Molly gets angry, and the fight begins. To Molly, she is protecting what's Gus, it's a game. He just wants her to play, and doesn't understand why she gets so angry, and one of them ends up getting hurt-Not physically hurt, but hurt, none-the-less. That squirrel is Molly's security in this big cruel world, and should anything happen to it, she would feel lost.

People are a lot like this. No, most people don't have a special toy to hold onto, but they do have something much worse-pride. it doesn't matter where the pride is found, it's dangerous and will cause hurt. The problem with this pride is that it will blind one to many other ideals, opinions and beliefs. It will make one closeminded, and angry when anyone dares to disagree. Jesus taught us to love everyone, and to treat everyone as we would want to be treated. I wouldn't like it if someone jumped my case, simply because I believe one word means something differently than they. Would you? Most words have several meanings anyways, so most likely both are right. Read three different versions of the Bible on one verse, and you will learn three different meanings. Look at a sunrise with two different people and you will notice three different beautiful wonders in it. Have three people look at one painting and they will each see three different things to remark.

A few years ago there was a fad that started with bracelets and moved to bookmarks and bumper stickers....WWJD (what would Jesus do?) Jesus would NOT call one an idiot or ignorant for their  different view. He would listen. He knew not everyone would agree with Him. He knew not everyone would call Him worthy. The odd thing was that was okay with Him. It saddened Him, but it didn't anger Him. Be slow to anger, and don't judge someone because they say something differently than you. Show everyone the same love you want to be shown. You probably don't always deserve it either. (I KNOW I don't)
Sometimes, we're the only Jesus people see, would you want Him to be shown as an angry, vindictive being? On the same turn, would you want Him to be shown as some Santa Claus figure? He is fair and loving, but just, and He will punish when needbe. That day is coming. We need to be aware of this, but not fear it. We are His, all we have to do is accept that. The God that demolished the world with a great flood then made a promise with a rainbow, and kept it by being the same God who sent his only son to die for us, so that we could have another chance.

Remember: Talk to God, He is a BIG God and can take whatever you tell Him, He loves your voice, and you will be better for it. Take time to try and count the stars with someone you love. Most of all GO BE PHYSICAL!!! Tomorrow may be too late.


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