Wake Up!!

I am having trouble writing lately. My thoughts keep getting all jumbled in my head, and by the time I get them down on paper, they make no sense what-so-ever. I don't understand it really. Usually when something bothers me, I write it, and it makes sense, suddenly, to me. Lately, however, so many things are running through my head, that it would be virtually impossible to unwind it all in one blog post. For now, I am going to sort out my feelings on Gluttony. A few days ago I was sitting in WalMart's parking lot waiting for my girls to return to the car. I saw this elderly man walking to his car. I was watching as he slowly walked to his car, using his cane, then he got in, and sat there for a minute. He started the car, adjusted his mirrors and such then slowly backed out of the spot. I noticed other men, young men, pulling in and out of their spots with more precision and speed. He didn't even notice them. He just went on about his business. My heart swelled with lov...