Wake Up!!

I am having trouble writing lately. My thoughts keep getting all jumbled in my head, and by the time I get them down on paper, they make no sense what-so-ever. I don't understand it really. Usually when something bothers me, I write it, and it makes sense, suddenly, to me. Lately, however, so many things are running through my head, that it would be virtually impossible to unwind it all in one blog post. For now, I am going to sort out my feelings on Gluttony.

A few days ago I was sitting in WalMart's parking lot waiting for my girls to return to the car. I saw this elderly man walking to his car. I was watching as he slowly walked to his car, using his cane, then he got in, and sat there for a minute. He started the car, adjusted his mirrors and such then slowly backed out of the spot. I noticed other men, young men, pulling in and out of their spots with more precision and speed. He didn't even notice them. He just went on about his business. My heart swelled with love for this man. I couldn't explain it. I just felt protective wanted to reassure this man, that no matter how long it takes, he was right where he should be. I asked God, right then, why He would give me a heart that could love a person I had never even met. What good would this do me....or Him? All I heard was you will need it.

The next morning I woke ANGRY! I must have dreamed about this or something, because when I woke I was angry with Christians! I started my day with prayer. I needed to shake this anger, and I wasn't sure how else to do it other than prayer. I asked God, why would He even WANT such a gluttonous people to be His warriors? How could we fight along side God in the great battle, if we can't even go three hours without a shot of something called 5-Hour Energy? We, as Christians, are so willing to clean our minds, as WE see fit. We choose to believe what the Bible says about watching our words, and salvation, but we seem to be missing something very important in the Bible. Our body is The Temple. What we eat, drink, breathe and how much we move determines how healthy our Temple is. What a sad state most temples are for our Father. All is permissible, but not all is beneficial. Can God use us as we are? Of Course He can........He can do anything. On the same turn, why should He even want us? We are the ones who CHOSE to be set apart from this world to follow Him. We CHOSE this, but for whatever reason, we don't appear any different from the lazy, gluttonous, self willed followers of evil. We are no different than the people we are trying to bring unto Him. Why should anyone want to believe us, when we are no different?

It's time to make a complete transformation. The Word says we will be known by our works. Our works? What works have we? We are no different, so how can our works show Him in us? Our goal should be to be set apart......to walk differently.....to be as much like Christ as we can possibly be, but we choose to be like the world. Until we choose to be Christlike with our appearances as much as our words, our words will be nothing but a vast indifference to the world.

It's time to Wake up!! Evil is literally killing our bodies, and we are doing nothing but condoning it. WAKE UP!!! Take charge of the health of YOUR BODY. Learn what it takes to make your body work. Learn for yourself! Learn from the Bible. It will tell you. Learn from your own experiences. Learn from those with more knowledge than you, and learn from many of them, not just one. Most of all......let God lead you. He won't lead you wrong. He will teach you how to make your body strong, so your words are fully understood. Set yourself apart from your coworkers. Set yourself apart from your neighbors. Make your life so individual that people will WANT to ask you how and why. People should see you as you walk down the street.

Wake up and be the you that God called, not the broken-down version of you that evil wants you to show. Show the World the POWER that God has given each of us. WAKE UP and be.....Today. Tomorrow will be too late!

Remember.....Talk to God. He loves your voice and is the Greatest teacher ever. You will learn things you never though possible. But most of all....GO BE PHYSICAL TODAY!! Tomorrow never comes.


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