The Journey

1 Corinthians 12:20-25 (NKJV) But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. Life is a journey. The destination is always the same, but the journey each takes is unique. I don't believe we are bodies with spirits or souls. I believe we are eternal souls with temporary bodies. What we choose to do on our journey through this life can be amazing! Or it can be horrible....the choice is ours to make. I was watching a garden video today by Navajopa on youtube. I love watching this man's videos; he's so down-to-earth and just says it how it is. He made a comment that tomato plants, when grown in flats or close to each other will grow and intertwine, and the weight of the individual plants will be supported by each other. They won't fall over, even though they are technically vines. Separate the plants and they will grow spindly and fall over with the weight of fruits. He mentioned how people can be like this. We were created to be together in groups. We're p...