
Showing posts from 2016

Black Moon Friday

Tonight, September 30, 2016, will show a black moon. A black moon in itself isn't very spectacular, since it's simply the second new moon in the calendar month. What's so incredible about a black moon is it's appearance. You can see nothing, nada, zilch.....just empty, black, midnight sky. This occurance only happens once every two years or so, or at least the last one was in 2014. Why does this fascinate me so much? Because it keeps me humbled to the emptiness I felt before I followed Christ. Many don't know this, but at one time in my life, I could tell you over 100 ways to commit suicide. I tried a few of them in fact...thankfully (now) unsuccessfully. I KNEW God existed. I KNEW heaven was waiting one day, but that wasn't enough to just KNOW it. I hadn't experienced it to understand it. I was still as empty as the sky on Black Moon Friday. One night, I prayed...throughout my prayer I was screaming at God for everything bad that happened t...

The End of the Season

Life has gone crazy around The Garden of Weeden. Business is starting to go well, the garden kept me busier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, the processing and harvesting has kept me deliciously busy and well that has kept me from doing other things I sleeping. I apologize to all my online friends for neglecting y'all so much lately. We survived our birthdays. That old saying, "Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer to the end it gets, the faster it spins." is becoming more apparently true. I still deal with pain almost daily, but I refuse to let it stop me. I did learn about another herb to try, that's supposed to be as effective on pain as morphine without all the side effects. Problem is, noone sells it, and it only grows out west, and well I am as far from "out west" as one can get and still live in USA. I am working on getting some though to try. I finally figured-out the best way to ingest another herb...

God's Sense of Humor

My husband "retired" about a month or so ago. Well, that's what he claims he did. We are building a farm. We live mortgage free, we have no utility payments, since we are 100% solar and wind powered. I grow a LOT of our food, and we're adding chickens for eggs and cattle for beef and other trading purposes. We are in the process of building a house, again payment free.  So really, we have no bills other than some food (my Doritos addiction) and entertainment. This is why he claims to be retired. He says he just wants to be a farmer. We are both tired of the hustle and bustle of trying to achieve a standard that was set by someone else. We want simpler, not easier. And we found our farm. He was talking to his mother on the phone a few days ago, and I heard him exclaim that he's never been as busy as he has been since "retiring". His business, that we used as side money, but now live on the proceeds, has suddenly "taken-off"! It ma...

Round Peg in a Square World

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 nkjv   I have always felt like a square peg in a round hole. In school I was too book-smart to be any good for anything else. In sports I didn't have the self confidence to succeed. In life I am too blunt, and I tend to offend people. Whatever the reason, I just don't fit. I used to seek my place in this world. It finally hit me (the renewing of my mind). After too many years of seeking, I now know why I fit into nature more than anything else. I am not a square peg in a round hole. I am a round peg in a square world.  Life is round. It's cylindrical, cyclical, it never ends. Nature is round; a round planet in a solar system that is revolutionary. Plants sprout, grow, produce, die, and then the seed carries on. To really get anywhere in the world you need something round....wheels come to m...

Only the Beginning

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10 kjv I saw this verse posted along the road today, and, though I have read it many times and lately it's been speaking to me, it suddenly hit me what the key word is within this passage. People miss this simple concept, thinking fearing God is the whole shebang. The secret to understanding this verse is the word "beginning". Fearing God is only the beginning. It's the wake-up call we all receive. It's the basis of taking the journey to freedom. Fear can be crippling or it can be motivating, depending how we see it. To understand how it can be the beginning of anything great we have to understand what "fear" means.  This simple transitive verb means "in great reverence or awe", at least at the time of the writing. Modern terms have moved it to mean worry, dread, stress and other silly, crippling notions, but when this verse was t...