Round Peg in a Square World

I have always felt like a square peg in a round hole. In school I was too book-smart to be any good for anything else. In sports I didn't have the self confidence to succeed. In life I am too blunt, and I tend to offend people. Whatever the reason, I just don't fit.
I used to seek my place in this world. It finally hit me (the renewing of my mind). After too many years of seeking, I now know why I fit into nature more than anything else. I am not a square peg in a round hole. I am a round peg in a square world.
Life is round. It's cylindrical, cyclical, it never ends. Nature is round; a round planet in a solar system that is revolutionary. Plants sprout, grow, produce, die, and then the seed carries on. To really get anywhere in the world you need something round....wheels come to mind......round.
Houses, buildings, computers, televisions, radios, pretty much everything we feel we need to survive this round world is square or rectangular. Who thought of this as logic? Take enough non-circular things, throw them into the paths of people, disguised as tools but really distractions, and see how long it takes to make people feel they no longer belong?
Notice a traffic light. The body is rectangular, but the parts that give direction are round. Christ teaches us that round is good. Round gives us an even direction, always returning home, but the world teaches us that round is wrong. I wonder what the world is trying to prevent me from doing today, if it will go to such lengths?
Talk to your will be better for it, even if you can't see it today. Dare to be different. Be a round peg in the world's square. But most of all......GO BE PHYSICAL TODAY! Tomorrow is too late.
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