In The Past Couple Of Weeks....

I have learned, in the past couple of weeks, that people are vile, testy creatures, who don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.
I have learned, that the only person who will be honest with you, is yourself.
I have learned, that if someone doesn't agree with you they will be very mean to you.
I have learned, that the only way to get someone to keep a promise to you is not ask them to make one.
I have learned that I am unique, in that against all odds and no matter what others say or do, I genuinely care about people.
I have learned, that I am unique in that I look for and usually see the best in people. Until now. 

What was God thinking, knowing how vile humanity is, that they are capable of of loving anything like themselves? How could He even hope for peace? What was God thinking, giving humanity the dominion over the whole Earth, knowing how corrupt people are? Why would God give ANYONE a heart to serve others, KNOWING others would trample on that person? What was man thinking, when they discovered personal opinions? Why would anyone believe in forever? What is so important in the all mighty dollar that ANYONE would think it means something to possess one? What was God thinking in creating such a vile creation? What was God thinking, when He chose man to be created in His likeness? What was God thinking in allowing this disgusting creation of His to continue?

What are people thinking, when they think they know more than God? What are people thinking, when they think they have any right to condemn another? What are people thinking, when they think they are worth more than someone else? What are people thinking, when they think that knowledge is the key to anything? What are people thinking, when they think there is actually a light at the end?

If anyone can answer ANY of these questions....please don't tell me, because right now, I truly just don't care anymore. 


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