What a Day!!!!!

SO my big plans of grandure have hit a snag. It's funny, I envision this great plan of eating healthier, drinking the water I need and doing my physical exercises in hopes of keeping my pain down and healing my spine. In actuality, my physical therapy exercises have put me in excrutiating pain today. I wish I knew what I did to set this off, but honestly, I am not sure. All I know right now is I hurt like hell for no reason. It gets old to hurt so often and so easily; just a wrong step or bending too far will cause my pain to increase for days to weeks, and it makes no sense. My doctor says it's normal and will only get worse, but I cannot accept this path for my life, can I? It says in the Bible that faith the size of mustard seed can move mountains. It also says things like "when God is for us what can be against us? and I can do all things with Christ who strengthens me." I truly believe these words, but on days like today my faith is REALLY tested!! I cling to these words like a drowning man would cling to a rock. What more can i do?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint........Teach me, Lord, to wait.

Remember: Talk to God, He loves to hear from you and give great help....Love someone like you're scared not to love them.....but most of all....GO BE PHYSICAL!!! You might not be able to move tomorrow.


  1. -
    I love your transparency and honesty in this blog. Good stuff - and a good reminder to trust him when it doesn't feel like he's keeping up with his end of the promise.


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