Reality Check

I am going to be very frank in this blog post, about everything going on and what it has effected and what it means for my future. I am constanlty in pain. Why? Because when I was younger, I decided to live my life, being as physical as I could, and carved my extra activities around that too. I craved the endorphin rush from physical activity. I was happiest when I could be extremely physical for at least 2 hours every day. Most days my job filled this need, but on days I didn't work, I had my family, my hiking and other things like this to keep me happy. Now, some days, I can barely walk to the bathroom without pain. I can't do anything I used to do to be happy. I am grumpy and snarly and basically unhappy all the way around. The only good things I have in my life right now, is my family, which is slipping away from me, because I can't do what I used to do, and God. I can't make plans with my friends because odds are I will have to cancel them due to pain or the dru...