Warrior Child

Life in America has become unstable. When I feel insecure in things I take to the books and study, hoping to learn why I am feeling so insecure. Albert Einstein is the closest person to a human hero I have. He believed that science and God should work together. He said something along the lines of: Atomic energy does not pose any problems humanity didn't already have. Basically he was saying the weapons may change but the deviance of humanity hasn't. My mom used to say, "times change, people don't". I believe that in a corporate sense of people, but after pondering something I heard in a movie once, "an individual is intelligent, courageous and steadfast: a group of individuals are foolish, weak and mean", I think I lean more towards the thinking that humanity may be foolish, but individuals can change and grow. I strive to be an individual. Do you?
The Bible says in Ephesians our fight is not against flesh, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world. I don't believe all rulers are evil....at least not in the beginning of their rules. I believe many men and women begin their rules as wanting to do better by people. Then they become corrupted by power; the kind of power that should only be allowed to God. Man should never have the power to decide who should live and die. Man should never have the power to determine who receives what provisions. And man should never have the power to determine who should be owners and who should be slaves. Man doesn't have enough wisdom to know. So why then do we allow any man or woman to have this kind of power? I realize we need laws and consequences, but we don't need one person deciding the futures of millions. Have we become so complacent in our lives that we willfully allow one person to choose for us? Have we lost our individuality? I haven't. I want freedom; the kind of freedom that only comes from having a relationship with something greater than I. I call it God. Others call it other things, but when we all come together as individuals, respecting our thoughts, goals and desires with Love, then we can collectively create something amazing - freedom. And through freedom comes peace.
Talk to your Creator. He loves you and longs to hear from you. Stand up courageous individuals and find your peace! But most of all.....Go be physical today.....Tomorrow is too late!
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