Three Simple Words

I Love You. Three very powerful words. My husband surprised me this morning by sending me a text with those three simple words. It made my day, and I loved it so much that I saved that text. I am often amazed at how such a simple phrase can change the course of a day. Words have power. They have meaning. They can change a day for the better...or for the worst. The word in the middle, love, reveals two choices he made this morning. One, he chose to love me still today. Two, he chose to tell me this. All his choices for the rest of the day, concerning me, will reflect those two choices he made this morning. The reason I believe Love is a choice is that God IS love. (1John 4:8) If we have to choose God, then we have to choose Love. Pretty simple reason, really. Another word for God is Lord-another powerful word, meaning strength to me. People run to the Lord when they fall. They run to that word like a tower in a storm. (proverbs 18:10) With God I cannot fail. With the Lord, I cannot be ...